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WP Media Folder Addon changelog

Last update : 23 Jul 2024Compatible with the latest Wordpress version and Stable release: 6.6

Version 3.7.13

  • Fix PDF embed error with the Nextcloud PDF file

Version 3.7.12

  • Fix Sync to Amazon S3 not working
  • Fix The thumbnail for the PDF file on Google Drive not showing

Version 3.7.11

  • Add Compatibility with WP Media Folder version 5.8.5
  • Fix Dropbox shared link
  • Fix Nextcloud synchronization

Version 3.7.10

  • Fix Upload folder to cloud
  • Fix Download cloud media
  • Fix Nextcloud synchronization

Version 3.7.9

  • Fix Performance issue of sync media in media offload feature
  • Fix Permission issue when creating Amazon S3 bucket from the plugin
  • Fix Google Drive image full size URL

Version 3.7.8

  • Fix PHP fatal error when loading gallery from Google Photos

Version 3.7.7

  • Add Support WP Media Folder gallery addon v2.5.8

Version 3.7.6

  • Fix Sync media when offload to Amazon S3, Digital Ocean

Version 3.7.5

  • Fix Remove file after upload to Google Drive

Version 3.7.4

  • Fix The new connection to OneDrive does not work

Version 3.7.3

  • Fix Check exist attachment when import from Cloud to Media Library
  • Fix Missing jpeg in file type list when remove local file after offload

Version 3.7.2

  • Fix Missing custom domain input for Linode
  • Fix Remove file after uploading to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Wasabi, Linode, Digital Ocean
  • Fix Sync to Amazon S3

Version 3.7.1

  • Add Import media files from Nextcloud to Media library

Version 3.7.0

  • Add Nextcloud file storage integration
  • Add Upload media in NextCloud folders from WordPress
  • Add Upload media in the WordPress media library to NextCloud folders
  • Add Create and manage media folders form WordPress or NextCloud
  • Add NextCloud media synchronization as background task
  • Add Embed nextCloud media in WordPress content
  • Add Upload and store WordPress madia thumbnails on NextCloud
  • Fix Duplicate queue
  • Fix Error render Dropbox thumbnail when disconnect

Version 3.6.12

  • Add Update CDN integration to support Amazon S3 CDN
  • Add Update CDN integration to support Digital Ocean CDN
  • Add Update CDN integration to support Google Cloud CDN
  • Add Update CDN integration to support Wasabi CDN
  • Fix Google Drive thumbnail with public link
  • Fix Missing remove files from media library when delete it at Google Drive
  • Fix Invalid foldername when connect with OneDrive business
  • Fix Delete old images from Aws S3

Version 3.6.11

  • Fix Render thumbnail for Google Drive

Version 3.6.10

  • Fix Upload new file on Media Library

Version 3.6.9

  • Fix PHP fatal error on the WP Media Folder setting page

Version 3.6.8

  • Fix Dropbox render thumbnail when upload via Media Library
  • Fix Import Dropbox to Media Library
  • Fix Conflict with Envira Gallery plugin
  • Fix Conflict with Instant Images plugin

Version 3.6.7

  • Fix Auto update plugin

Version 3.6.6

  • Fix Auto update plugin

Version 3.6.5

  • Fix Wrong media path after upload to Amazon S3, Wasabi, DigitalOcean, Linode, Google Cloud Storage

Version 3.6.4

  • Fix Sync Google Drive
  • Fix Offload Amazon S3: Remove after upload doesn't work in some cases

Version 3.6.3

  • Fix Connect Google Cloud

Version 3.6.2

  • Add Offload media: Support Google Cloud Storage

Version 3.6.1

  • Add Offload media: Support Linode cloud
  • Fix Copy bucket not work on all storages
  • Fix Create bucket on Wasabi
  • Fix Validate bucket name before create
  • Fix Hide secret access key in settings

Version 3.6.0

  • Add Offload media: Support DigitalOcean cloud
  • Add Offload media: Support Wasabi cloud
  • Fix Load cloud thumbnail on Media Library

Version 3.5.4

  • Fix Load cloud thumbnail on grid view

Version 3.5.3

  • Add Cloud media folder access by users and user roles
  • Fix Remove file from local after uploading to Amazon S3
  • Fix Loading OneDrive thumbnails in Media Library list view

Version 3.5.2

  • Fix Update Dropbox API using version 2

Version 3.5.1

  • Fix Import dropbox file to media library
  • Fix Load cloud image on list view
  • Fix Sync Google Drive with G-suite
  • Fix Upload file to Amazon S3

Version 3.5.0

  • Add Generate thumbnail option for cloud images
  • Add Allow to move a file from Wordpress to cloud folder
  • Fix Slow process when sync to Amazon S3

Version 3.4.19

  • Fix Fatal error PHP when use auto connect Google Drive

Version 3.4.18

  • Fix Remove local file after upload to Amazon S3
  • Fix Compatible with BuddyBoss plugin

Version 3.4.17

  • Fix Warning from Amazon S3
  • Fix Use tippy js instead qtip

Version 3.4.16

  • Fix Some JS warnings
  • Fix Remove unused CSS file

Version 3.4.15

  • Fix Get all files from Amazon S3
  • Fix Get cloud file URL
  • Fix OneDrive business connect

Version 3.4.14

  • Add Update to using global background tasks manager

Version 3.4.13

  • Fix Auto sync cloud files

Version 3.4.12

  • Fix Connect with OneDrive
  • Add Automatic configuration for Google Photo connection

Version 3.4.11

  • Fix Update OneDrive API
  • Fix Reconnect to OneDrive Business

Version 3.4.10

  • Fix Mime type of the files wrong after sync
  • Fix Sync Dropbox wrong structure

Version 3.4.9

  • Fix Cloud sync with special character in file name

Version 3.4.8

  • Add Automatic configuration for Google Drive connection
  • Add Automatic configuration for Dropbox connection
  • Add Automatic configuration for Onedrive and Onedrive Business connection

Version 3.4.7

  • Fix Dropbox sync file
  • Fix OneDrive Business full sync

Version 3.4.6

  • Add Implement sync Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive & OneDrive Business as a background task
  • Add Implement sync and import Amazon S3 as a background task

Version 3.4.5

  • Fix JoomUnited Updater compatible with WordPress 5.5

Version 3.4.4

  • Fix Google Photos import
  • Fix Sync cloud loader icon not showing
  • Fix Dropbox synchronization: Missing files

Version 3.4.3

  • Fix Set default name of root folder on Amazon S3 to lowercase

Version 3.4.2

  • Fix White space in root folder name on Amazon S3
  • Fix WordPress video shortcode not working with cloud video
  • Fix Import Google Photos album
  • Fix Sync to Amazon S3 missing scaled size
  • Fix Remove file after upload to Amazon S3
  • Fix Notification style in backend

Version 3.4.1

  • Fix Select a bucket on Amazon S3
  • Fix Disconnect Google Photos

Version 3.4.0

  • Add Implement Cloudfront for Amazon S3
  • Add Import all the folders and files from S3 bucket to Media library
  • Add Copy all the files from a bucket to another bucket
  • Add Upload single file and multiple files from media library to S3 (right click)
  • Add Filter media by type to upload on S3
  • Add Optimization: remove unnecessary code and files

Version 3.3.4

  • Fix Image orientation when upload to cloud

Version 3.3.3

  • Fix Update Amazon S3 API
  • Fix Upload file to S3 slowly

Version 3.3.2

  • Fix Update OneDrive API caused fatal error on WPMF settings page

Version 3.3.1

  • Fix List all albums of Google Photos in WordPress media library
  • Fix Load Google image with private link
  • Fix Conflict with WP File Download, can't connect to OneDrive

Version 3.3.0

  • Add Connect Google Team Drives media with the WordPress media library
  • Add Manage media from Google shared drives with auto synchronization to WordPress
  • Add Import/move media from Google shared drives to WordPress
  • Add Determine if your Google shared drive embed media links are public or private
  • Add Force Google shared drive single folder or global synchronization
  • Add Determine Google shared drive automatic synchronization delay

Version 3.2.1

  • Add Quick copy buttons for clouds login information
  • Fix Reconnect OneDrive after logout

Version 3.2.0

  • Add Connect WP Media Folder to Google Photos using a Google Cloud App
  • Add Import a selection of Google Photos to the WordPress media library
  • Add Import a Google Photos album to the WordPress media library
  • Add Import a Google Photos album as new media folder
  • Add Google photo automatic synchronization
  • Add Google File import new designed popup

Version 3.1.6

  • Fix Preview file in Dropbox

Version 3.1.5

  • Fix Get shareable link for OneDrive personal
  • Fix Missing file after synchronization

Version 3.1.4

  • Fix Sync cloud files
  • Fix Remove file after upload to s3

Version 3.1.3

  • Add Add public link for Onedrive Business

Version 3.1.2

  • Fix Synchronization with Amazon S3 (get tables when run S3 sync)

Version 3.1.1

  • Fix Save Amamzon S3 info attachment
  • Fix Get Dropbox filetype during synchronization
  • Fix New connection to OneDrive & OneDrive Business

Version 3.1.0

  • Add Automatic synchronization for clouds
  • Add Crontab cloud synchronization option
  • Add AJAX cloud synchronization option
  • Add Curl cloud synchronization option
  • Add Define cloud media synchronization periodicity
  • Add Loader when running a synchronization on folder tree

Version 3.0.5

  • Fix Add post meta when running a synchronization
  • Fix Some image sizes missing when running a synchronization
  • Fix Load media icon in list view
  • Fix Upload file with size more than 5MB

Version 3.0.4

  • Fix Load file with private link for OneDrive & OneDrive business
  • Fix Sync google files with WordPress media
  • Fix Don't remove the files from cloud system

Version 3.0.3

  • Fix JU Update process
  • Fix S3 return wrong URL after image crop

Version 3.0.2

  • Fix Only load juupdater from admin
  • Fix Conflict between sync S3 and regenerate thumbnail
  • Fix Do not run upload S3 if accessing cloud folder

Version 3.0.1

  • Fix Upload cloud file
  • Fix Enhanced requirements tests

Version 3.0.0

  • Add Implement OneDrive Business connection with the WordPress media library
  • Add Integrate Google Drive media in WordPress media library folder tree
  • Add Integrate Dropbox media in WordPress media library folder tree
  • Add Integrate OneDrive & OneDrive Business media in WordPress media library folder tree
  • Add Auto select Amazon S3 bucket on fresh install
  • Add Auto run full synchronization on fresh install
  • Add Select public or pricate links for cloud media links
  • Add Remove the old cloud file management UX

Version 2.2.3

  • Fix Create Bucket Amazon S3
  • Fix Warning PHP on file download

Version 2.2.2

  • Fix Check version requirements

Version 2.2.1

  • Fix Amazon S3 bucket creation
  • Fix Add Gutenberg blocks tag

Version 2.2.0

  • Add Amazon S3 support: copy and load media from Amazon S3
  • Add Offload your media from your media library an load from Amazon S3
  • Add Amazon S3: automatic and manual media synchronization option
  • Add Retrieve media links and files from Amazon S3
  • Add Create and manage S3 buckets from the plugin configuration

Version 2.1.8

  • Add Requirements to check if WPMF version installed is compatible
  • Fix JUUpdater login enhancement

Version 2.1.7

  • Add Add some hooks for developers

Version 2.1.6

  • Add New settings UX and design
  • Add Possibility to search in plugin menus and settings
  • Add Plugin installer with quick configuration
  • Add Environment checker on install (PHP Version, PHP Extensions, Apache Modules)
  • Add System Check menu to notify of server configuration problems after install
  • Add Server testing before plugin activation to avoid all fatal errors

Version 2.1.5

  • Add Gutenberg Compatiblility: add new cloud blocks in embed section
  • Add Gutenberg Compatiblility: insert Google Drive media in blocks
  • Add Gutenberg Compatiblility: insert Dropbox media in blocks
  • Add Gutenberg Compatiblility: insert OneDrive media in blocks

Version 2.1.4

  • Fix Insert Google Drive image in content

Version 2.1.3

  • Fix Check connected addon to display/hide cloud menu in media manager
  • Fix Change capabilities of addon menu
  • Fix Display file on frontend

Version 2.1.2

  • Fix Enhance code readability and performance

Version 2.1.1

  • Fix insert Onedrive image
  • Fix insert dropbox file to content
  • Fix display Dropbox file
  • Fix import files to media library

Version 2.1.0

  • Add Rewrite code to be compatible with new 4.3 version of WP Media Folder

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix Error when no OneDrive auth url available

Version 2.0.0

  • Add OneDrive cloud support
  • Fix Upload files using dragn'drop not working in edit post page

Version 1.0.5

  • Fix Conflict with Your Drive plugin
  • Fix Updater does not work from the WordPress dashboard

Version 1.0.4

  • Fix Update the updater for WordPress 4.8

Version 1.0.3

  • Fix Use default en_US language

Version 1.0.2

  • Add Add builtin translation tool

Version 1.0.1

  • Add Add cloud configuration documentation link in settings
  • Fix JoomUnited updater compatible with new WordPress 4.6 shiny updates

Version 1.0.0

  • Add Initial release