A Joomla complete lazy loading for images and content
The image lazy loading loads only images when it’s visible by users (on page scroll). Images represent an average of 60% of the page weight, so it's a high priority in the optimization process. Speed Cache also includes an image compression tool to be even faster. For more features, get back to the main plugin page >

Lazy load your images with compression
The image compression is the process of applying an invisible image compression to the human eye while reducing image size by up to 80%. Speed Cache is integrated with ImageRecycle service, you'll get image compression quota with your membership.
Progressive lazy loading technology
Speed Cache lazy loading is the most advanced you can find on Joomla with a smart system that generates a small thumb of a few Kb (almost nothing) then loads it progressively with a nice effect, keeping your customer on your pages. Furthermore, as we preload 2x screen height, the fast connection won't even notice it! Speed Cache lazy loading main advantages:
- Super light lazy loading script
- Progressive image generation and loading effect
- Works on both scroll direction: up to down / down to up
- Almost invisible on fast connections
- Build pages with more content and keep them light!

Lazy load a selection of media and content
If for some reason you do not want to apply the image lazy loading on a few pages or on specific image dimensions (height and width), you can use exclude and include setup.
Lazy load your Joomla videos
In Speed Cache, you can apply lazy load to all videos on your site by enabling a simple Video lazy loading setting in the configuration. Therefore, all the HTML <video> tag will be detected and lazy loaded.

Lazy load iframes
In Speed Cache, you can apply lazy load to all embedded, iframe content of your website by enabling "iframe video lazy loading" setting. this is pretty handy on pages that contain, for example, a YouTube video gallery.
Choose a plan to get all features + Image Compression + Support and Updates
- Image Compression quota: 3GB
- Latest Joomla 3, 4 & 5 ready
The Bundle provide access to ALL Joomla extensions and can be used on any websites. In addition, you will have full access to technical support and update on each extension for all year.
The time is now! Boost your efficiency and gain that competitive edge. Give the bundle a try.
Recent testimonials & ratings

Rating source: 12 user-submitted reviews at: Joomla.org