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Speed Cache, the Joomla performance extension

Speed Cache is a natural improvement of the Joomla cache system with a powerful static page caching, compatible with user sessions, a full browser cache system, a image compression and progressive loading, an URL inclusion cache control and resources group & minify. Some handy tools are also part of the extension like the cache activation for logged in/logout users and an automatic cache cleaner on specified actions.


Check the Joomla Speed Cache performance demo


Extension price is $49,
all included, unlimited websites


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Extension ready for  
Joomla 5!

This extension has a package compatible with Joomla 3, 4 & 5. It has been fully tested with the new and latest Joomla 5 stable version, stay updated!


Powerful Cache System and Browser Caching

Powerful Cache System and Browser Caching
Speed Cache for Joomla is coming over the Joomla default cache system with a new cache layer, by sending more static content (HTML) therefore reducing the number of database queries. Plus, you have the possibility to store the major part of the heavy page resources (like images) in the browser cache. And you can clean it when you want!

Speed Up with Targetted Cache System

Speed Up with Targetted Cache System

The Speed Cache cache is activated on a selection of pages of your website, the system is very flexible and you're always sure that it works on every website. You can also do a batch import of URL from a menu to the cache system. The cache inclusion/exclusion system is very powerful:

  • Include single URLs
  • Exclude single URLs
  • Include from cache a set of URLs based on rules (regular expressions included)
  • Exclude from cache a set of URLs based on rules (regular expressions included)
  • Per URL define: Activate cache for public and/or for registered users
  • Per URL define: Preload cache URLs for public and/or registered users
  • Per URL activate the cache preloading per user
  • Load module in AJAX with cache auto refresh


Play smart, speedup all your websites using a global solution for cache, images...

Speed Cache is the only extension that offers a global optimization in a single membership: Joomla SpeedUp + Image lazy loading & compression + CDN. Furthermore as our memberships are not limited by domain, you can run the same top notch optimization on all your websites!

Dynamic Elements in the Joomla Cache

The main problem with serving static content, like the Joomla Page cache plugin, is that it does not work at all with dynamic elements and user sessions. Speed cache got 2 systems to avoid the problem of cache on dynamic content:

  • Speed Cache generates static cache file per Joomla user then it also works for dynamic content (like form, sessions..)
  • Not sure about it? no problem, there's an option for each page URL to include/exclude logged in users from the cache
  • You can also preload cache per user right after a clean cache
Dynamic Elements in the joomla Cache
Clean all Cache and Regenerate It Automatically

Clean all Cache and Regenerate It Automatically

SpeedCache get rid of the cache cleaning problem; all caches (Joomla, Speed Cache and browser cache) can be cleaned automatically based on action or using a button all over Joomla administration. Indeed, on backend/frontend actions like save a content, all cache can be cleaned automatically. You can also regenerate all caches right after cleaning it, so no one will wait for the cache generation anymore. The cache proloading can be done for all the loggedin users, by user or by URL.

Joomla Resources Group, Minification & Defer Loading

Speed cache got a tool to do minification of your website resources and it includes a powerful tool to avoid conflicts while keeping the maximum of performance. Indeed, you can add the URL of files, pages for exclusion in the text area or enable options for the minification! The group file features includes:

  • Group, minify and defer the loading of all JS files
  • Group, minify and defer the loading of all CSS files
  • Group fonts and Google fonts
  • Possibility to activate each setting separately
Joomla Resources Group, Minification & Defer Loading
Image Compression and Lazy Loading for Joomla

Image Compression and Lazy Loading for Joomla

Images represent an average of 60% of the page weight so it's a high priority in the optimization process. Speed Cache includes an image compression tool and a lazy loading option:

  • Image Compression: Apply an invisible image compression and reduce image size by up to 80% (by ImageRecycle)
  • Lazy loading: Load only images when it’s visible in the by user (on scroll)
  • Lazy loading: Progressive loading with loading effect
  • Lazy loading: Inclusion and Exclusion by URL, URL rules, image size

Content Delivery Network (CDN) Included

CDN are serving website images, JS, CSS... files from a local server to your users all over the world. Furthermore, as image compression and lazy loading are included in SpeedCache, media loading time will have a really small impact on performance.
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Included
Dedicated Cache for Mobile and Desktop Devices

Dedicated Cache for Mobile and Desktop Devices

Speed Cache can handle the cache for mobile automatically or you can generate a dedicated cache version per device. The result is that you'll be sure that Speed Cache will run smoothly with any template framework. Mobile cache features:

  • Automatically serve same cache for all devices
  • Dedicated cache for mobile
  • Dedicated cache for tablet
  • Option to disable cache for a specified device

The Joomla Speed Optimization, Live

Boost all your Joomla websites using Speed Cache

Features in Speed Cache

All Additional Features included in the Joomla extension

Setup Speed Cache time (static cache) duration separately from the Joomla cache

On dynamic websites like ecommerce with cart system, generate a static file per user to serve the proper cached content, per Joomla user

The cache can be cleaned automatically on Joomla admin side actions: save, apply, publish, unpublish or trash a content

Joomla pages with many heavy modules can take a while loaded. SpeedCache add an option to defer a module load using AJAX

Activate an extremely fast user browser caching with an option to force the cleanup

The performance is very important for SEO, Google measure the user page loading time, so it helps in real life!

User that comes after a page cache cleanup won't have to wait for the cache generation, it's automatically regenerated!

Import/Export Speed Cache configuration from one website to another and get websites optimized in no time

By cleaning the Speed Cache you can also clean all Joomla caches, expired caches based on user actions or by clicking on a button

Fix the Joomla Expire Headers performance warning by patching your htaccess file in one click

You'll always find a solution to get the cache working or be disabled where you want by selecting single URL or rules, user sessions...

The cache can be cleaned automatically on frontend user actions like save, apply, publish, unpublish or trash an article


Compatibility and 3rd party integrations with extensions, non-exhaustive list!

Siteground and hosted cache

Speed Cache is fully compatible with Siteground and other hoster cache systems as it's based on the Joomla native cache system

Cache cleaners

Speed Cache static caches can also be cleaned by a 3rd party extension that requires it for its purpose

Joomla page cache


Speed Cache is fully compatible with Stackideas components, including EasyBlog, the advanced Joomla blog system

Siteground and hosted cache

Speed Cache is fully compatible with Yootheme Pro and its layout library. It brings additional cache layer and a better image optimization

Cache cleaners

Speed Cache works with SP Page Builder. It adds a static cache system and a better image optimization

Joomla page cache


Speed Cache is fully compatible with Quix page builder. Add amazing cache system without breaking any page builder features

Others Extensions

Others Extensions

Speed Cache is compatible and with all the major Joomla extensions using a simple configuration
K2 JoomlaWorks

Speed Cache works with K2 extension. Load K2 content in no time and that's working with K2 native cache system

Speed Cache works with FlexiContent extension. Load FlexiContent items at the speed of light!

Extension translations

Community translations included, create your own in few clicks! More information >>

Get more information about Speed Cache

Speed Cache Prices

Choose a plan to get support and new version updates
Instead of 547$

The Bundle provide access to ALL Joomla extensions and can be used on any websites. In addition, you will have full access to technical support and update on each extension for all year. 
The time is now!  Boost your efficiency and gain that competitive edge.  Give the bundle a try.

Recent testimonials & ratings

WP Speed of LightSpeed Cache - Joomla Performance Extension
98 out of 100 based on 12 user ratings

Rating source: 12 user-submitted reviews at: