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Linky Map, The Vector Maps for Joomla

Have you ever wanted to display a clean & well designed vector map on your website? Get the most advanced vector map generator for Joomla with unique features. Linky Map is using data from Google Geochart to generate vector maps with custom marker, colored regions, tooltips and HTML descriptions. You can create a hundred of custom vector map and all the world, counties, regions are included, just imagine and create your map.


Check the Linky Map, regions and markers display including themes demo


Extension prices start from $39,
all included, unlimited websites


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Extension ready for  
Joomla 5!

This extension has a package compatible with Joomla 3, 4 & 5. It has been fully tested with the new and latest Joomla 5 stable version, stay updated!


Vector Maps with Regions

Vector Maps with Regions

Linky Map is using Google Geochart library to generate vector maps that guaranty complete and updated location data. With Linky Map you can create vector map with custom colors by regions. All countries are included! Furthermore, it's possible to define some additional design elements:

  • Load a region by default
  • Map background color
  • Map borders color and size
  • Region mouse hover color
Vector Maps with Markers

Vector Maps with Markers

With Linky Map you can create vector map with custom markers for any place on a map, it could be a city or any postal address in the world. Select the map to load: World, Continent, single country, region, then add one or several markers on the map.

Linky Map is Really Easy to Use!

Linky Map is really easy to use and to manage, we have included some tools that help with the tedious things of the vector maps:

  • Locations and regions suggestion by Google when typing
  • Map preview in admin during the map creation
  • HTML description with text editor
  • Responsive or custom sized vector maps
  • Load any map in any text editor using a dedicated insert button
Linky Map is Really Easy to Use

Zoom in and Zoom out on Vector Map

A full Map zoom control is available to display the map as you want it to appear on page first load. For example, you can zoom on a city like Miami in a selected State of Florida. Furthermore, on frontend, users can still control the zoom level.
Zoom in and Zoom out on Vector Map

Add Content Over and Next To the Vector Map

The vector maps are not just static images, it's a real HTML content you can control:

  • Add tooltip on location with titles
  • Add tooltip with HTML description
  • Add custom links on regions and markers
  • Add a sidebar with description of each region and marker
  • Display information about the location in a modal box (AJAX popup)
Add Content Over and Next To the Vector Map

One Step Further with Custom jQuery Vector Maps

Linky Map offers, additionally to Google Geochart global maps a custom jQuery vector map source. It allows more customization on the map and the possibility to upload custom jQuery maps.
One Step Further with Custom jQuery Vector Maps

Joomla Custom Fields on Vector Maps

Linky Map is working with Joomla native custom fields system. It means you can create custom fields, custom fields groups, and load it above your vector maps.
Joomla Custom Fields on Vector Maps

Joomla Vector Maps, live

Linky Map Additional Features

Display the vector as you want: full width, fixed width with sidebar
Full WYSIWYG editor for location description. Add the content you want and call plugins in it
Use the Google geolocation power to locate automatically all the places
The design of the maps will fit your design in few click using color pickers for background, borders...
Use Linky Map as a contact map: Call a contact form on the HTML sidebar or any other Joomla plugin
You can redirect users to a custom link on location click
All the maps generated can be read by search engines, it's just SVG images and HTML!
JU Translation included: get, add and override languages from the configuration in one click
Linky Map extension package includes all the 3rd party integration and features. No hidden fees, no additional addon!
Linky Map location is fully based on the Joomla framework. It has the double advantage of being light and 3rd party compatible
Maintain websites with commercial plugins can be very painful. Linky Map location is GPL and using Joomla standard updater
The zoom on the map is automatically adjusted for your locations or you can force the level


Compatibility and 3rd party integration's with the extension
Load vector maps in native Joomla custom HTML modules or in a dedicated one
All vector maps can be loaded in any text editor with a dedicated button
Linky Map can be used with all Joomla extensions that call the Joomla content plugin (the majority)

Extension translations

Community translations included, create your own in few clicks! More information >>

Get more information about Linky Map

Joomla Extension Prices

Choose a plan to get support and new version updates
  • My Maps Location
  • Linky Map
  • Latest Joomla 3, 4 & 5 ready
Instead of 547$

The Bundle provide access to ALL Joomla extensions and can be used on any websites. In addition, you will have full access to technical support and update on each extension for all year. 
The time is now!  Boost your efficiency and gain that competitive edge.  Give the bundle a try.

Clients Testimonials & Ratings

Dropfiles Linky Map - Joomla Vector Maps
100 out of 100 based on 19 user ratings

Rating source: 19 user-submitted reviews at: