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  Saturday, April 04, 2020
  6 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Hello Joom!

I just discovered your site yesterday, and your products look absolutely amazing!!
I'm super excited about WP Media Folder and a few of your other plugins.

Wondering if you could add cloud offload support for BunnyCDN Storage + CDN ??

Their object storage is radically simpler and more user-friendly than Amazon S3 (and it's radically cheaper too). Bunny storage is only $.01/GB.

Amazon S3 is quite expensive and hard to use... And in my testing, Bunny Storage, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Vultr Object Storage offer comparable services, *much* easier UX, and better pricing.

Also, for what it's worth... BunnyCDN offers global CDN performance similar to AWS (at a fraction of the price). They are in the Top 10 of all CDN providers worldwide.

* I am in no way affiliated with BunnyCDN. I'm just a very happy customer, and would *love* to see WP Media Folder support.

Thanks for your consideration.

You guys definitely have a new fan!
4 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

Wondering if you could add cloud offload support for BunnyCDN Storage + CDN ??

Their object storage is radically simpler and more user-friendly than Amazon S3 (and it's radically cheaper too). Bunny storage is only $.01/GB.

Amazon S3 is quite expensive and hard to use... And in my testing, Bunny Storage, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Vultr Object Storage offer comparable services, *much* easier UX, and better pricing.

Also, for what it's worth... BunnyCDN offers global CDN performance similar to AWS (at a fraction of the price). They are in the Top 10 of all CDN providers worldwide.

* I am in no way affiliated with BunnyCDN. I'm just a very happy customer, and would *love* to see WP Media Folder support.

The BunnyCDN is not supported yet in our plugin. I know the price is cheap but it is not so popular.
Anyways, we noted your request in our planning list, and move this ticket to Feature idea category.

By the way, we've planned to release Amazon Cloudfront on WP Media Folder Addon version 3.4.

Thanks a lot!
4 years ago
Thanks for the fast answer!

One more question... any idea why JoomUnited has prioritized personal storage services like OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox instead of more professional-grade object storage platforms?

Everything Joom has built is super professional and polished... it seems odd to develop for Dropbox or OneDrive instead of something like DigitalOcean. Those consumer-grade services have certain bandwidth and throttling restrictions that make them unreliable for even for medium-traffic websites.

In any case, I strongly urge Joom to consider more Amazon S3 and CDN alternatives. For example, these 3... DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Wasabi are all accessible via fully-compatible S3 APIs. ...and both DO and Vultr are *extremely* popular services with web devs.

Plus, they're dramatically easier to use (and far cheaper) than AWS.

As for BunnyCDN Storage... Their API is very simple, and much of the PHP work has already been completed here:
Featured-Packed PHP Class for BunnyCDN and Storage API

Overall, this is the one issue I don't like about WP Media Folder - (but it's a critical thing) - and I'd happily chip in extra $$ to bring Bunny, DO, or Vultr online soon.

Again. Thank you.
4 years ago
Thanks for getting back to me with more information.

In any case, I strongly urge Joom to consider more Amazon S3 and CDN alternatives. For example, these 3... DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Wasabi are all accessible via fully-compatible S3 APIs. ...and both DO and Vultr are *extremely* popular services with web devs.

As mentioned above, we will implement the Amazon Cloudfront feature in the near future.
About the other integration, we will consider those for a version to come.

Thanks a lot!
5 months ago

Have you guys ever implemented support for Bunny Storage and CDN?
Currently the only thing holding me back from buying the plugin, is not knowing if I can use this with Bunny . net
5 months ago

Thanks for your response.

This is something we have planned for a future major release: version 4.0 (we are currently in version 3.7.10).

Though it’s hard to give a precise date on new features release for various reasons.
It mainly depends on the development roadmap we've defined for the developer and problems we
may encounter during this period :)

5 months ago
Thank you for the reply.
Is it possible to see your roadmap?
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