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  Tuesday, September 20, 2022
  2 Replies
  201 Visits
Hi there, I've already purchased all of the Joom plugins and they're all good.

I use Media Folder on one WP instance to sync files to Amazon S3. I use File Download on another site to display an archive of PDF files.

The question is - Can the files uploaded into File Download also be synced to Amazon S3 via the Media Folder options?

If it can't then perhaps this is a feature suggestion to allow that to work, either through Media Folder or natively within File Download. If this can be added, then I would guess that people who use the other cloud services would want the same for those.

Thanks for any info on this.
1 year ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

The question is - Can the files uploaded into File Download also be synced to Amazon S3 via the Media Folder options?

If it can't then perhaps this is a feature suggestion to allow that to work, either through Media Folder or natively within File Download. If this can be added, then I would guess that people who use the other cloud services would want the same for those.

This feature is not implemented yet, but I'll add it to our feature request list and keep that in mind for a future release.

Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
1 year ago
Thanks for that. I re-read the product page and realized it does have Google and Dropbox, so the suggestion would just be to add Amazon S3 and any others you think are desirable for users.
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