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  Monday, November 17, 2014
  6 Replies
  3.4K Visits
Can I put my native joomla 3.3 tags inside articles or categories with this module?

Sorry I don't get what you mean exactly. it's a module so you can put on article page or category page yes, if that's the question.

9 years ago
I want in every article, beneath article content to display it's tags (in a row).
The ideal is to assign it automaticaly (without loadposition for every article).
This is my question. I have for every page to add the loadposition statement?
9 years ago
do you mean that you can put the loadposition module and our module that in it and you want me to show that globally?
instead you can use this plugin to exactly complete your requirememnt.
if this wont work and still you want to use our extension please create a screenshot so i can work on your requirement.
9 years ago
I have seen this plugin. It seems that suits me, but waiting for answer for thw develepoer if it uses native joomla 3.3 tags or it'own. All plugins I have found so far are for earlier versions of joomla.
I keep in touch with you soon
9 years ago
the plugin is free so you can try the plugin on your site.
the main issue is that for your requirement manually write loadposition for all artciles is not right approach.
that plugin wil be good for you.
9 years ago
Thanks. I will try it.
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