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  Monday, October 10, 2022
  4 Replies
  239 Visits
Glossary works with content inside sp page builder
1 year ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

Glossary works with content inside sp page builder

Yes, SEO Glossary is integrated with SP Page Builder.

1 year ago

to make glossary working you need to call content.prepare code in template override of sp page builder.we will help you in doing this if you find any issue.
1 year ago
yes please help :) got seo glossary, defined 3 words but no tooltip...
1 year ago
Hi Jim_86,

Thanks for your message.

yes please help :) got seo glossary, defined 3 words but no tooltip...

I'm sorry, but this forum is only for pre-sale questions, for all technical requests please drop us a ticket (Menu Support > Support ticket).
Our developer in charge will take a look at that.

Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
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