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  Wednesday, May 02, 2012
  34 Replies
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  1. SEO Glossary supports simultaneously English, Russian and Ukrainian alphabets for glossary creation?

  2. I can not use automatic generation of references for a content?

  3. Where I can see work of this expansion (not on video)? There is a demo a site?

  4. Let's admit, in the article word VPS meets 20 times. Can I set restriction on quantity of references on definition of the given word in a glossary?

12 years ago

Thanks for your interest in SEO Glossary component.

  • For now, there is only English alphabet implemented but as it is a demand, we will consider adding this feature in a next version (regarding the complexity).

  • About automatic generation of content did you mean auto generation of definitions ?

  • There's no restriction for a word quantity in an article. The parameters you can set regarding your demand is : automatic link on words activated or not, tooltips display activated or not.

  • We are working on a demo website right now but it is not finished yet. I will send you a private link where you can have a look at the front end functionalities.

Best regards,
12 years ago
Ok. I will wait, when you will make a demo a site. I want to look at work SEO Glossary.
If I buy a subscription for year how quickly you can include support of the Russian alphabet? The Ukrainian is necessary too. But Russian - paramount.
«About automatic generation of content did you mean auto generation of definitions?» I meant automatic link on words activated or not. You have already answered.
«There's no restriction for a word quantity in an article.» - it is a pity. Google does not like, when there are a lot of references on the page . If I buy a subscription for year you can realise such possibility in a current of 3-6 months?
«I will send you a private link where you can have a look at the front end functionalities.» - thanks.
12 years ago

I will say no and yes :)

Concerning the alphabet I can say that it's in our to do list for the next 6 month (Russian & Ukrainian).

«There's no restriction for a word quantity in an article.» - it is a pity.

Yes I can understand but in our plan for the next 6 month we have planed another stuff that is a limitation on automatic links by content categories. This may solve your problem.

Hope to see you soon.
12 years ago
Well. I will think. The main thing, for me, the Russian alphabet. I want to know, when it will add. If it is possible, send me about it the letter. Thanks.
12 years ago
Great, please let me add you to our newsletter list so you will be informed when this feature will be implemented.

12 years ago
12 years ago
Hello, intresting component
i also want to see it in a demo site
plz inform me when is ready

Does visitors can add terms in the glossary ?
12 years ago

Thanks for your interest, for sure, I will inform you when the demo website is ready too.

Yes there is a possibility add definitions from frontend, you can submit it from frontend and manage the rights using the Joomla ACL.

12 years ago
Most of us used to use this component in joomla 1.5

is there the ability to make a sql acript to import all old terms ?
12 years ago

Unfortunately not, we haven't done this feature because we started our component from scratch.
We will evaluate if it's a demand from users.

12 years ago
Hello. In the new version can I create a glossary in Russian and English language? In the new version Russian alphabet is accessible? Thankful in advance for the answer.
12 years ago
Hi Alex,

Not for now the alphabet can be change manually in the seoglossary.php line 122 but we are working to make a special field in each category and in this case you can change the alphabet for each glossary that you will create or let by default.

Best regards
12 years ago
Thank you for your reply. Manually adding script will allow me to create a glossary English and Russian on the site at the same time?
12 years ago
Not for now you can just do one alphabet for the whole component
We are working right now on this feature

12 years ago
Hello I look forward to when it will be possible to create a combination of two - three on one site glossary for English, Russian and Ukrainian language (alphabet). When you see the opportunity? Thanks in advance for your reply.
12 years ago

We are currently working hard to finish a new version of our other extension (Social Backlinks) but we are going to start a new version of SEO Glossary soon.

The feature you are talking about is planned: add a custom alphabet in each glossary if needed.

I let you know when we start coding this new version.

12 years ago
Thank you. I'm waiting for this.
12 years ago
Hello. I started to test the SEO Glossary 1.0.4. There was a few questions and suggestions.

  1. In newer versions can you add an alias to the terms? It is necessary, since I will have terms in Russian and English languages. I added the word "Дефрагментация" Page address is: /component/seoglossary/glossary/1/Дефрагментация# Allias help me in SEO optimization.

  2. In an address /component/seoglossary/glossary/1/Дефрагментация # «1» - is the ID number of the term. It can be removed?

  3. Now I have a glossary on the site - this is a common article Joomla ( / about-site / glossary). At the end of each term, I write the sentence "The source and the full version:" and a link to the site, where I took the definition of the term. You can add the field "Source" to create each of the term? If I insert the words "(Source and full version: Wikipedia)" the word "Wikipedia" ceases to be a reference in the Tooltip.

  4. Can I disable the extended search options: «Begin with», «Contains», «Exact term»? Leave only the search box. Some users do not like having lots of options. This is bad for usability.

  5. In some of my articles, the term, which is in the glossary can be repeated 10-15 times. Can I limit the number of Tooltip for one article, and for one term? Search engines (eg, Google) do not like when a page has too many links. This is bad for SEO.

  6. When I go to a page with the term, the page title, meta tags «keywords», «description» is the same for all terms. In the site will be a lot of pages with different addresses but the same page headers, meta tags «keywords», «description». This is bad for SEO. Can I create a title page with the names and a glossary of terms? Can I use as keywords only term? Unfortunately, the description will be given for the creation of the term. Can you envisage such a field? As in Joomla articles.

12 years ago
Hi Alex,

Thanks for this complete question :)
Let me answer point by point:

1. About alias and URL, this is planed in next version but we need to rebuild a router plugin.

2. Sorry but I don't get exactly what you mean about Wikipedia?

3. For the option of search yes but in source code only not as an option. You also use Joomla standard search module because there is a search plugin for SEO glossary installed.

4. For the term limitation it's planed for the next version too

5. It's not a bad idea, we need to think how to implement it.


12 years ago
All right. I'm really looking forward to your updates.
1) It is important to me.
2)«Sorry but I don't get exactly what you mean about Wikipedia?» - look at my glossary When I coined the term "Defragment" in the SEO Glossary 1.0.4 Wikipedia link is preserved. But when I am getting the cursor to the word "defragmentation" in an article in the Tooltip does not refer to Wikipedia. Just the word "Wikipedia". It is not very important.
3) Thank you. I see.
4) It is important to me.
5) It is very important to me. Google Webmasters Tools does not like it and says it's wrong.
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