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  Thursday, September 20, 2012
  3 Replies
  1.8K Visits
I downloaded the latest version and saw that, in the time I was away, you have made many changes and some of the issues I had have been resolved.

I have some questions still though:

1. Can the list of glossaries be shown in the bottom of the page instead of above the terms? Or do I have to alter the code to do that?

2. Can I display the description of the category above the terms? As it is now I don't see the description anywhere.

3. Is there any update regarding multiple alphabets?

4. Is there any update regarding filtering the entries per glossary in backend?

Thank you very much.
11 years ago

Let me answer you point by point :

1. Yes you'll need to code something to do that ;)
2. Nope, you cannot display this description, you're right. It can be interesting to do something for that in the next version.
3. Yes it's in the next version, we are currently working on it
4. The same, we are working on it

11 years ago
Thank you for your answer.

I will do something about n.1 (although it would be great to be able to change that in the configuration).

We have already worked out a solution about the alphabets (since it was absolutely necessary in order to publish the glossary)

I will be waiting for the next version for n.2 and 4. I thing that displaying the description of the category is very useful, since it will give the readers an idea for what each glossary is about.

11 years ago

The third point is now in the version 1.1 and the point 4 for the next version ;)

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