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  Friday, April 19 2013
  4 Replies
  2.7K Visits
Hi, today i bought the seoglossary extension. After installation there is a lot of error was appeared.
I didn't buy support ticket, but i would like to buy a correct program. Can you suggest something what i sould do?
11 years ago
Hi and sorry to hear that,

Please use and open a billing ticket for this kind of question.
We will be happy to answer you.

This forum is just for presales questions.

11 years ago

These are not errors, but notices.

PHP error reporting has 3 levels of reporting:
- errors: they prevent the code to work
- warning: something is wrong with the code and shouldn't be that way
- notice: not an error, just a hint to the coder to let him know about how PHP behaves

More information here:

According the official PHP documentation, Notices are not suitable to be displayed on a production environment. It does not make sense to display them in production because they are not errors.
See this page:

In PHP 4 and PHP 5 the default value is E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE. This setting does not show E_NOTICE level errors. You may want to show them during development.

However, when I find some notices, I try to change the code to disable them because a few people do show notices in production environment. I've taken your complaint in account and updated the code of the extension. The updated version (1.2.9) should be available for download soon.

Kind regards,
11 years ago
Dear Baudouin!

Thank you to your correct answer and the quick update. Entries work well.
if you have time (it's not too important for me), please see at the glossary too, it's containing the same details. I attached a screen shot.

I wish you succesfully work.
11 years ago
Grand, I'll correct this one too. Thanks for letting me know.

But honestly, you should disable the notices. They are disabled on my dev environment because many 3rd party Joomla extensions I use throw a lot of notices.

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