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  Tuesday, November 07, 2023
  4 Replies
  117 Visits
Hallo, vielen Dank für Ihren Service und Ihre Produkte. Gibt es einen Zeitplan für die Kompatibilität mit Joomla 5? Beste Grüße, Ines
8 months ago
Sorry, despite my search (which didn't find the answer), my question is answered... just saw that the latest version is already Jommla 5 compatile. Thanks!
8 months ago
you need to enable compatibility plugin and it work perfectly till case any issue feel free to create a ticket.
7 months ago
When wil it be Joomla 5 compatible without the plugin enabled? The way it is now, every Joomla 4 compatible extension is Joomla 5 compatible (NOT).
7 months ago
We are working on this feature and soon we will launch feature without compatibility plugin.
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