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  Monday, November 07, 2016
  4 Replies
  5.3K Visits
Hi, I would like to know how far customisation could go with the look of the map. What we need is a world map with the client's colors (not regions, but the map it self and the background). The client currently has a flash built map with - besides the continten shapes - decorative elements in it (that are not clickable but vector based too). Would it possible to add our own svg to display that, if we do have knowledge of JavaScript, PHP etc.?
7 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.
Would it possible to add our own svg to display that, if we do have knowledge of JavaScript, PHP etc.?

Sorry, this is something presently impossible.

Thanks a lot!
7 years ago
OK, thank you for the quick answer. I like the user friendly way you build joomla extensions, but for this case, we will have to find an alternative.
7 years ago
Can you give me sample of site you want to work so I can check it and update you if we can help you
7 years ago
I sent it to you via email.
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