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  Thursday, December 23, 2021
  1 Replies
  231 Visits
Hallo, Ik organiseer een fotowedstrijd. Deelnemer kunnen zich registreren op de website.
Het is de bedoeling dat 25 deelnemers gedurende 5 weken per week 1 foto insturen c.q zelf uploaden.
Andere deelnemers kunnen de betreffende ingestuurde foto dan beoordelen ( niet hun eigen foto).
Beoordelen door punten te geven.Elke week is er een winnaar en na 5 weken is er een overal winnaar.
Is Item rating hier geschikt voor? Waarschijnlijk werkt dit alleen voor artikelen met een afbeelding.

Hello, I am organizing a photo contest. Participant can register on the website.
The intention is that 25 participants submit or upload 1 photo during 5 weeks per week.
Other participants can then rate the submitted photo (not their own photo).
Rate by giving points. Every week there is a winner and after 5 weeks there is an overall winner.
Is Item rating suitable for this? This probably only works for articles with an image
2 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

Other participants can then rate the submitted photo (not their own photo).
Rate by giving points. Every week there is a winner and after 5 weeks there is an overall winner.
Is Item rating suitable for this? This probably only works for articles with an image

Yes, each article includes the Item rating tab; and certainly, users can vote for the articles on frontend.
You can restrict users to be able to vote in settings.

You can see it on our product page:

Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
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