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  Sunday, March 07, 2021
  5 Replies
  1.5K Visits

I wanted to know if with some of these plugins it would be possible to synchronize a google drive spreadsheet where the stock and price of my products appear with woocommerce so that when I modify the google drive spreadsheet it is automatically updated in the products that I have in wordpress woocommerce both price and stock.
3 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

I wanted to know if with some of these plugins it would be possible to synchronize a google drive spreadsheet where the stock and price of my products appear with woocommerce so that when I modify the google drive spreadsheet it is automatically updated in the products that I have in wordpress woocommerce both price and stock.

Yes, you can use our WP Table manager, it can be sync in realtime also. Please go here for more details:

Hope it helps!
Kind regards,
3 years ago
I knew that i can sync with Google sheets but my real question is if i change the price or the stock in the Google sheets, would ir change the price and the stock of the woocommerce using wp table manager?
3 years ago

Thanks for your response.

I knew that i can sync with Google sheets but my real question is if i change the price or the stock in the Google sheets, would ir change the price and the stock of the woocommerce using wp table manager?

WooCommerce is not integrated with our plugin so once you connect our plugin with Google Sheet,
it will only update the data in our plugin's table if there are any changes in your Google sheet.

Hope you understand what I mean!
Kind regards,
2 years ago
Aun no esta integrado su complemento con woocommerce? o ya es posible sincronizar existencias y precios desde una hoja de calculo?
2 years ago
Hi packtiendas,

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

Aun no esta integrado su complemento con woocommerce? o ya es posible sincronizar existencias y precios desde una hoja de calculo?

This is something not implemented yet in our WP Table manager.

P.S: Please write in English in the next reply.

Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
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