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  Tuesday, January 05, 2016
  3 Replies
  2.1K Visits
is it possible to have a private folder per user in which he has all the files he has uploaded before? (from frontend of course)

Yes it's possible, well in the next version that is coming this week for the full frontend management.
If you setup ACL and allow only a user group to edit only their own categories, users in this group won't see others.

What is the purpose of this feature for you?

Hi and thx for your reply !

the idea is to let each member upload (and download) personnal documents from their private part.

that is why it is important to be able to do it from the frontend.

so if I understand what you say, a group= a user account , right ?

Thanks for the clarification.
Sorry to ask but what is the point for a user to upload and download it's own document only?

so if I understand what you say, a group= a user account , right ?

Yes it is.

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