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  Sunday, February 26, 2023
  2 Replies
  142 Visits
Via a shortcode or builder module (ex: Divi) - Be able to insert a folder of documents and the result is a list of document names linked to the files - in a table format (zebra style). Flitered results based on document name. Ability to display extension/file size and date uploaded and number of downloads. If you add a document to the folder it appears in the table. Add in a small icon to indicated file type.
1 year ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

Via a shortcode or builder module (ex: Divi) - Be able to insert a folder of documents and the result is a list of document names linked to the files - in a table format (zebra style). Flitered results based on document name. Ability to display extension/file size and date uploaded and number of downloads. If you add a document to the folder it appears in the table. Add in a small icon to indicated file type.

I'm not sure which plugin do you mean here, but WP Media Folder plugin will show galleries or images in frontend only.
In order to show files or categories on frontend, you can use WP File Download plugin.

Please go here for more information:

We would like to see a Gutenberg block with some simple functionality built into the WP Media Folders plugin as well. We understand the WP File Download plugin offers many of these features, but then you disassociate your document management from the Media Library where many other plugins integrate. Here are some of the settings we'd like to see the block have:

- Extension of files to include (e.g. filter on .pdf so only PDFs in a folder are shown)
- Present the files as links using the Title field as the link text.

The use case is to present a WP Media folder of PDFs dynamically on a web page instead of having to manually create links for each file.

By limiting the features in this new Gutenberg block in the WP Media Folder plugin, you can still differentiate enough so customers will purchase the WP File Download plugin for more advanced features.

Thanks for considering this enhancement.
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