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  Wednesday, April 13, 2016
  5 Replies
  2.1K Visits
Hi team,

Please consider adding a sorting feature to image galleries. While the photo order drag and drop is great, it is a boring, time consuming process when you have a gallery with dozens or hundrreds of photos that you'd like to ulpoad new photos to.

IE: Currently, if I upload let's say 30 new photos to a gallery with 100 photos, the new ones will be at the bottom/last and I'd have to click and drag 30 photos, one by one, all the way up.

What I would love to see here is a setting (global or better per gallery) where the user can set the default order to; manual, by date and etc. Another option would be a setup that would force Droppics to display nelwy uploaded images first/at the top rather than last/at the bottom.

I believe this is actually an obvious, natural process since newly uploaded photos are normally our most recent ones....

Please let me know what can be done about it.


Hi Andre,

Sounds good! I think I understand you problem, I'll add that to our roadmap.

8 years ago
Awesome, glad to hear that Tristan. Happy to collaborate with ideas if you need, cheers.
7 years ago
Hi Tristan,

Could you please update us on this roadmap? It's been 4 months now, my subscription has expired and not only the client refuses to renew the subscription but is also requesting that I look for an alternative to Droppics.

Honestly I'd rather keeping Droppics but this feature is a real must when managing galleries with a lot of images so I'm hoping that this can be implemented very soon. Without this sorting a great component has turned into a pain for management...

I look forward to hearing back from you.


This is planned for the next major release of Droppics 2.3.
We can't give dates or guaranties on new features for various reasons.
It mainly depends on the development roadmap we've defined for the developer and problems we may encounter during this period :)

We are currently working on Droptables so it may takes 3 month to be release.

7 years ago
Ok, I'll keep an eye on the changelog and look forward to renewing my subscription once it's been implemented.
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