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Can I measure the performance gain?

Partially, the online speed test like Pingdom measure only a first page load (no browser cache) for non loggedin users (no loggedin cache) so you may find few difference, but your users will!

The best way to measure the performance, is to test by yourself the time to render a page in your browser.

Does Speed Cache work with community, forums, dynamic content?

Usually yes, you do need to activate cache per user in this case. You may not include some URLs that have fresh content every second to work properly.

To use speed cache on dynamic environnement, please check every case your users may encounter before validating the URL presence in Speed Cache.

Speed Cache Install

1. Install

Our component is compatible with Joomla 3.9 and 4.x. All the features and 3rd party integrations are included in all memberships.
In order to install our component, you have to download the extension .zip file and use standard Joomla installer.




Then click on Browse > Upload and Install button, component, modules and plugins will be installed activated by default.

2. Update & automatic updater

In order to update the extension, you can install a new version over the old one by downloading the ZIP file from JoomUnited or using the automatic updater (recommended).




The automatic updater, which pushes the update notification, is embedded in the Joomla extension you've installed. So you'll get notified like any other extension in the dashboard or using the menu: System > Update > Extensions.

Login to your account to update

You need to login to your JoomUnited account to update all your JoomUnited Joomla extensions. In order to login access to the main configuration of the component then clicks on the Live update tab. At the bottom, you'll find a login button. 




Enter your JoomUnited credentials, the same you use to login here @




The button will turn to connected status, congrats! You can now update all the JoomUnited extensions on this website! If your membership is expired you'll get a renew link and a text that explains that.




Note: One single login will allow you to update all the JoomUnited extensions (regarding your membership). Login won't expire unless you disconnect it.


Speed Cache Performance Dashboard


After installing the component a dashboard will be accessible through the menu Components > Speed Cache.




The dashboard checks all the performance issues and enhancements you can apply on your Joomla website. All the parameters, except for Browser cache, can be fixed in one click using the buttons Fix it now.

Parameters checked:

  • Check for Joomla cache activation and duration: check if the joomla cache is activated and time is at least set to 30'.
  • Check for Joomla Gzip compression.
  • Minification: check you have minified files loaded on your site or not.
  • File group: check you have any file types have been grouped.
  • CDN: check if you configure any CDN server.
  • Expire Headers presence and duration in the htaccess file.
  • Speed cache URL Autoindex activation: check if the URL automatic indexation in activated in Speed Cache configuration.
  • PHP version: check if PHP7+ is in use.
  • Browser cache activation: check if the Speed Cache browser cache is activated.
  • Auto Clear cache activation: check if the automatic cache cleaner is enabled.
  • Expires module: check if the module mod_expires on your server is activated.


Note: on some servers like NGINX or with inbuilt CDN, the Expire Headers check may not succeed. It's not a problem for performance as it's already handled