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WP Media Folder Developer Documentation

This documentation will help experienced developers to plug any other service with our plugin. Here are all actions and filters for this plugin, if you need some more, feel free to ask by using this for dedicated forum. Thanks for using our plugin!

Helper file

WP Media Folder comes with a helper file with the main functions you may need to integrate it in your own themes and plugins.

  • Move a file into a folder
  • Create folders
  • Move folders
  • Get attachments in a folder
  • ...
Example: you can create a new folder like this:
\Joomunited\WPMediaFolder\Helper::createFolder('My new folder');



Fires after term meta is imported.

Parameters :

int $term_id ID of the newly created term.
string $key Meta key.
mixed $value Meta value.

Return :


In files :

class/import/class-wp-import.php line 451


Do action after replace file

Parameters :

integer Attachment ID

Return :


In files :

class/class-replace-file.php line 188


Set attachment folder after moving an attachment to a folder in the media manager
This hook is also used when importing attachment to categories, after an attachment upload and
when assigning multiple folder to an attachment

Parameters :

integer Attachment ID
integer|array Target folder or array of target folders
array Extra informations

Return :


In files :

class/class-helper.php line 138
class/class-helper.php line 194
class/class-main.php line 763
class/class-main.php line 794
class/class-main.php line 2367
class/class-main.php line 2920
class/class-main.php line 4103
class/class-main.php line 4903
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 379
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 3355


Before delete a folder

Parameters :

WP_Term Folder, this term is not available anymore as it as been deleted

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 3630
class/class-main.php line 4003


Create a folder from media library
This hook is also used when syncing and importing files from FTP, creating user and role based folders
and importing from Nextgen Gallery

Parameters :

integer Created folder ID
string Created folder name
integer Parent folder ID
array Extra informations

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 2344
class/class-main.php line 3155
class/class-main.php line 3176
class/class-main.php line 3190
class/class-main.php line 3457
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 3232


Delete a folder

Parameters :

WP_Term Folder, this term is not available anymore as it as been deleted

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 3637
class/class-main.php line 4012


Duplicate an attachment

Parameters :

integer Attachment ID
integer Target folder

Return :


In files :

class/class-duplicate-file.php line 104


Move a folder from media library
This hook is also used when role folder option is changed

Parameters :

integer Folder moved ID
string Destination folder ID
array Extra informations

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 4199
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 2791


Update folder name

Parameters :

integer Folder ID
string Updated name

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 3571


Filters the image sizes generated for non-image mime types.

Parameters :

array $fallback_sizes An array of image size names.
array $metadata Current attachment metadata.

Return :


In files :

class/class-helper.php line 310


Filters the meta key for an imported piece of term meta.

Parameters :

string $meta_key Meta key.
int $term_id ID of the newly created term.
array $term Term data from the WXR import.

Return :


In files :

class/import/class-wp-import.php line 432


Filter ID of the existing post corresponding to post currently importing.
Return 0 to force the post to be imported. Filter the ID to be something else
to override which existing post is mapped to the imported post.

Parameters :

int $post_exists Post ID, or 0 if post did not exist.
array $post The post array to be inserted.

Return :


In files :

class/import/class-wp-import.php line 505


Filters the metadata attached to an imported term.

Parameters :

array $termmeta Array of term meta.
int $term_id ID of the newly created term.
array $term Term data from the WXR import.

Return :


In files :

class/import/class-wp-import.php line 416


Filter to enable/disable download image on gallery

Parameters :

boolean Enable/disable download image

Return :


In files :

class/class-display-gallery.php line 460


Filter to custom aguments for get all categories

Parameters :

array Agument

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 1916


Filter to set limit of the folder number loaded

Parameters :

integer Limit folder number

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 1420


Manipulate file title before saving it into database

Parameters :

string File title

Return :


In files :

class/class-main.php line 5024


Filter to change public param wpmf-category taxonomy

Parameters :

boolean Toxonomy public status

Return :


In files :

wp-media-folder.php line 1490


Filter check user capability to do an action

Parameters :

boolean The current user has the given capability
string Action name

Return :


In files :

wp-media-folder.php line 36
class/pages/settings/import_export.php line 151
class/pages/settings/import_export.php line 324
class/pages/settings/image_compression.php line 44
class/pages/settings/image_compression.php line 98
class/pages/settings/image_compression.php line 252
class/pages/settings/image_compression.php line 288
class/class-duplicate-file.php line 53
class/class-folder-access.php line 41
class/class-replace-file.php line 45
class/class-replace-file.php line 220
class/class-main.php line 955
class/class-main.php line 1216
class/class-main.php line 1254
class/class-main.php line 1434
class/class-main.php line 2221
class/class-main.php line 2255
class/class-main.php line 3051
class/class-main.php line 3421
class/class-main.php line 3518
class/class-main.php line 3885
class/class-main.php line 3937
class/class-main.php line 4050
class/class-main.php line 4145
class/class-main.php line 4235
class/class-main.php line 4517
class/class-main.php line 4650
class/class-main.php line 4841
class/class-main.php line 5303
class/class-main.php line 5350
class/class-image-watermark.php line 209
class/install-wizard/install-wizard.php line 54
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 263
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 782
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 986
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 1037
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 1312
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 1394
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 2008
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 3200
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 3903
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 4003
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 4071
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 4184
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 4235
class/class-wp-folder-option.php line 4283


composer logo Here is the solution to use our plugins as a composer dependency.
You have to declare in your composer.json file the joomunited repository, please make sure to replace the YOUR_TOKEN in the url by your own token. You can find it under under the Composer token accordion.

Please not that composer update command can't work on private repositories (for more explanation please refer to the composer documentation)
Though, you can manually update the plugin to the latest version with this command:
composer remove joomunited/wp-media-folder && composer clearcache && composer require joomunited/wp-media-folder:dev-master

Set Update key programmatically with WP CLI

Use the same key you used for the composer installation and execute this composer command to set the update token
wp option update ju_user_token "YOUR_TOKEN"