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WP Table manager changelog

Last update : 27 Mar 2024
Compatible with the latest Wordpress version and Stable release: 6.4.3

Version 4.0.1

Add Get cell style from conditional formatting in Excel import
Fix Improved performance for table rendering function on front-end
Fix Special character in cell tooltip

Version 4.0.0

Add Gravity form connector: Create table from Gravity form data
Add Possibility of creating and editing Gravity Form entries directly within WP Table Manager tables
Fix Responsive for chart
Fix Missing values of row when import csv

Version 3.9.5

Fix Conflict error when performing auto sync

Version 3.9.4

Add Advanced filtering: Possibility to setup filter type for each column in the table
Fix Sort function improvement

Version 3.9.3

Fix Conflict with Hello Elementor theme
Fix Missing last row when fetch from Google Sheet in some cases

Version 3.9.2

Fix Fatal error in PHP 7.4

Version 3.9.1

Add Option to open hyperlinks in tables as new tab
Fix Editing lock cells in a database table using the command edit line

Version 3.9.0

Add New options for chart creation: select custom X-Y axis
Add Chart edition: custom labels and legend
Add Customize chart data scale
Add Possibility to select 2 columns separated with control key to create chart
Add List charts below table in the table list screen
Add Improved filter in repeatedHeader mode on mobile
Fix Cell border when fixed column on firefox

Version 3.8.1

Fix Missing php class
Fix Error message when read excel file

Version 3.8.0

Add Preview table in Gutenberg block
Add Preview chart in Gutenberg block
Add Improve compute recursively in some formula on table
Add Possibility to keep formula in cell as text (not calculating formula result) when import/sync Excel file
Fix Improve the function import excel file

Version 3.7.0

Add Possibility to zoom in/out table content at the table editing screen
Add Option to Print table on front-end
Add Strikethrough button for cell content edit
Fix Import Excel function

Version 3.6.1

Fix Display table issue in repeatedHeader mode
Fix Display table issue in hiding columns mode

Version 3.6.0

Add Possibility to import data from CSV file to table
Fix Improved performance for import Excel function
Fix Error when running cronjob syncing Excel file with table
Fix Conflict pagination width fixed columns

Version 3.5.6

Fix Saving table fail in some case after editing cell
Fix Custom css in editing table page

Version 3.5.5

Fix Table style on front-end
Fix PHP 8.1 warning in JU framework

Version 3.5.4

Fix Google sync not working

Version 3.5.3

Fix Prevent adding XSS code into the table cell
Fix Implement nonce check to avoid vulnerable issue delete token

Version 3.5.2

Fix Error at table editing screen when using Safari browser
Fix Table pagination error on the front-end

Version 3.5.1

Add Compatibility with PHP 8.1
Add Possibility to select a specific sheet in Excel file for import and synchronization
Fix Chart issue when using Divi builder on front-end

Version 3.5.0

Add Possibility to insert a cell selection of table into the content
Add Possibility to add Google fonts from the configuration
Add Possibility to download and load Google fonts locally (GDPR)

Version 3.4.1

Fix Wrong HTML cell type after removing rows
Fix Update JU translation tool

Version 3.4.0

Add 3 new table themes
Add Possibility to copy cells with inline HTML
Add Possibility to copy cells with styling

Version 3.3.1

Fix Update style in new themes

Version 3.3.0

Add New theme design
Add Wrapping Text in Coloumn
Fix Format date to cells
Fix fix divi warning on PHP 8
Fix fix merge rows when has sort and not paging
Fix fix export table created from data from OneDrive

Version 3.2.1

Fix Hidden column error on front-end
Fix Conflict Elementor widget
Fix DateTime cell error in database table

Version 3.2.0

Add Possibility to add more fonts for table content
Add Access limitation: Limit the table edition by column, line or dataset by user or user role.
Add Lock columns in database table edition
Add Option to download database table on front-end
Fix Show border cells on front-end when merge cells
Fix Some sites do not load the php-sql-parser library
Fix Show hyperlink on front-end when enable table pagination

Version 3.1.1

Fix Display database table issue on front-end
Fix Conflict border top with Divi page builder
Fix Missing first row on front-end when enable pagination

Version 3.1.0

Add Additional format for cells (support symbols)
Add Undo/redo buttons
Add Excel importer improvment
Add Better DIVI and Avada support
Add Option to define border width for cells
Add Possibility to remove alternate colors in a table
Add Custom CSS editor design refresh
Fix Alternate colors display on front-end
Fix Sort icon on front-end
Fix Default rows height

Version 3.0.4

Fix Display issue in repeated header responsive
Fix Database-table doesn't open in edit table page

Version 3.0.3

Fix WP Table Manager user role conflict WP Media Folder

Version 3.0.2

Fix Avada JS error on table loading

Version 3.0.1

Fix Chart display error on front-end

Version 3.0.0

Add Possibility to do database custom queries
Add Editing cell content in database tables
Add Hide column in front-end in tables from database

Version 2.9.1

Fix Missing category owner and table owner setting

Version 2.9.0

Add Office 365 Excel files synchronization (OneDrive)
Add Office 365 Excel files for business synchronization
Add  Fetch only data and style from Office 365 Excel files
Add  Automatic synchronization with Office 365 Excel files

Version 2.8.6

Add WP Table Manager table module for Avada page builder
Add WP Table Manager chart module for Avada page builder

Version 2.8.5

Fix WP Table Manager divi widget conflict WP File Download

Version 2.8.4

Add WP Table Manager table module for WPBakery page builder
Add WP Table Manager chart module for WPBakery page builder

Version 2.8.3

Fix Responsive mode: Repeated header
Fix WP Table Manager table module for Divi when using only the Divi builder plugin
Fix Wrong column width when sync with Excel file
Fix Update ChartJS library

Version 2.8.2

Add WP Table Manager table module for Divi page builder
Add WP Table Manager chart module for Divi page builder

Version 2.8.1

Fix Conflict with Polylang plugin
Fix Import excel button doesn't work on WordPress 5.6
Fix Change chart type doesn't work in some cases

Version 2.8.0

Add New responsive mode: Repeated header
Add Implement cronjob Excel/Google Sheet synchronization
Add Implement Google Sheet push notification
Add Support 3rd party plugin shortcode in table cells

Version 2.7.5

Fix Can't update some cells when deleting column
Fix Error in front-end when the inserted table was deleted

Version 2.7.4

Add WP Table Manager table widget for Elementor page builder
Add WP Table Manager chart widget for Elementor page builder
Fix Some errors on table editor screen with Safari browser

Version 2.7.3

Fix Currency symbol in calculation functions
Fix Copy /paste function
Fix Drag cells to copy
Fix Do not display filters when data are grouped on responsive mode

Version 2.7.2

Fix Table copy is not executed
Fix Add a space as thousand separator in number format
Fix Synchronize Excel function
Fix Browse server window for Excel file style
Fix Undo/redo right click function

Version 2.7.1

Fix Set table height default to auto
Fix Check url when fetch file from Google Spreadsheets
Fix Table style on front-end
Fix Warning when upgrading from old version

Version 2.7.0

Add New UX design of the table editor
Add New UX design of the table and category manager
Add Better responsive mode with cell group and accordion
Add Possibility to define data type for column
Add Improve table auto saving when table not edited
Add Google Sheets import detects when the data are not accessible
Add Improve loading table performance on front-end
Add New database structure to store and modify large tables
Add New design for table from database creation
Add PHP 7.4 compatibility
Add Option to remove all tables data when uninstalling the plugin

Version 2.6.9

Fix JoomUnited Updater compatible with WordPress 5.5

Version 2.6.8

Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 2.6.7

Add Implement the block preview
Fix change position of tooltip
Fix Apply the decimal separator and the thousand separator separator setting when import excel file

Version 2.6.6

Add Sync Google Sheets automatically on frontend page load
Fix Apply dateFormat setting into table sort function
Fix Remove unused taxonomy wptm-tag

Version 2.6.5

Fix Fix Jutranslation url

Version 2.6.4

Fix High commas as thousand separator option doesn't apply
Fix Table not displayed in ACF field

Version 2.6.3

Add add wptm gutenberg block

Version 2.6.2

Fix warning on php 7.2

Version 2.6.1

Fix The function convert background color of default table to alternate color
Fix The Functionality checks null when importing file .xlsx

Version 2.6.0

Add Rebuild the alternate color tool: create and apply your 2 lines colors
Add Frontend button to download the table as XLSX file
Add Upgrade phpspreadsheet library.
Fix Improve function Import and Export files xlsx

Version 2.5.3

Fix conflict anchor-header plugin
Fix site using http and https parallel

Version 2.5.2

Add Spreadsheet style fetch function autosaved
Add Get hyperlink from Google Spreadsheets
Add Get lines and columns sizes from Google Spreadsheets
Fix Error page loading in Microsoft Edge
Fix Merge cells properly when auto sync is activated
Fix Change the color pickup by cell function

Version 2.5.1

Fix Chat color selector
Fix Right click menu is returning wrong values
Fix Improve design in editor tooltip table manager

Version 2.5.0

Add Admin full UX redesign
Add Allow to edit data range of a chart
Add Improve display ability in large/big table

Version 2.4.3

Fix Sharing translations

Version 2.4.2

Fix Improved the ability to create tables from database
Fix Improved the ability to create tables from spreadsheet link

Version 2.4.1

Fix Enhance code readability and performance

Version 2.4.0

Add Calculation functions: DATE, DAY, DAYS, DAYS360, OR, XOR, AND
Add Possibility to make calculation on money cells
Add Addition of date calculation functions

Version 2.3.2

Fix Missing access permissions on new install

Version 2.3.1

Fix Update the updater :) for table manager 2.3.0
Fix Multisite installation plugin deployment

Version 2.3.0

Add Setup rights per user role on table categories: Create, Delete, Edit, Edit own
Add Setup rights per user role on tables: Create, Delete, Edit, Edit own
Add Setup rights per user role to access to WP Table Manager UX
Add Add a font color for cell highlight feature
Add Possibility to sort a column by default, on page load

Version 2.2.10

Fix Display error when enable Freeze first
Fix Pagination not displaying in table category

Version 2.2.9

Fix Import excel file which contain non utf-8 characters

Version 2.2.8

Fix Error when JU framework is not installed

Version 2.2.7

Fix Issue on upgrading from light version to full version

Version 2.2.6

Fix Update the updater for WordPress 4.8

Version 2.2.5

Fix Use default en_US language

Version 2.2.4

Fix Text domain related problem for JUTranslation

Version 2.2.3

Add JUTranslation implementation

Version 2.2.2

Fix CSS style frontend rendering
Fix Import XLS tables style not complete

Version 2.2.1

Fix Excel importer issue
Fix Display issue when freezing row on mobile devices

Version 2.2.0

Add Use WP Table manager with page builder: ACF
Add Use WP Table manager with page builder: Beaver Builder
Add Use WP Table manager with page builder: DIVI Builder
Add Use WP Table manager with page builder: Site Origine
Add Use WP Table manager with page builder: Themify builder
Add Use WP Table manager with page builder: Live composer
Fix Pagination display on database tables

Version 2.1.0

Add Create tables from WordPress database (not only WordPres tables, all the tables from the database)
Add Automatic styling and filtering for database tables
Add Table automatic update on database incrementation
Add Database source: table, column, filters, define ordering and column custom name
Add Create chart from database table
Fix First time the tooltip is displayed it blinks (JS fix)

Version 2.0.1

Fix Admin column header not responsive layout
Fix PHP7 compatibility for Excel table export

Version 2.0.0

Add Enhanced .xls Import/Export: possibility to Import/Export only data
Add Handle Excel styles on Import/Export: HTML link, font color, font size, cell background color, cell border
Add Sheet data synchronization: Select an excel file on the server, fetch data and define a sync delay
Add Sheet data synchronization: Select a Google Sheet, fetch data and define a sync delay
Add Notification when a file has an external sync to avoid data lost
Fix Vertical scrolling issue on large table

Version 1.4.1

Fix PHP7 JU framework compatibility

Version 1.4.0

Add Data filtering and ordering tool as an option
Fix Language update

Version 1.3.0

Add Add column and line freezing
Fix Issue loading twice WPTM in a post
Fix Height available of screen viewport

Version 1.2.1

Fix Tooltip have wrong size when column is resized

Version 1.2.0

Add Generate tooltip on cell, activate through a global option
Add Respect WordPress user roles to give access to table data
Fix Menu name change to fit WordPress admin column width
Fix Polylang JS conflict
Fix Custom CSS edition cursor not visible

Version 1.1.1

Fix Cell mergin not reflecting on public side
Fix Table copy not copy all data

Version 1.1.0

Add JoomUnited automatic updater
Add Performance optimization on loading time and for big tables
Add Possibility to move a table from one category to another
Add Possibility to reorder tables in a category
Add Shortcode per table and chart
Add Add codemiror in custom CSS edition window

Version 1.0.0

Add Initial release