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Droptables changelog

Last update : 06 Mar 2024

Version 4.2.0

Add Possibility to insert a cell selection of table into the content
Fix Save special characters in tooltip
Fix Improved performance of loading large tables on frontend

Version 4.1.1

Add Responsive for chart
Add Add title last update

Version 4.1.0

Add Option to Print table on front-end
Add Read image when import excel file, sync google sheets

Version 4.0.6

Add Joomla 5 support
Fix Auto sync with Google sheets in some cases

Version 4.0.5

Fix Wrong format cell
Fix Editing lock cells by the command edit line

Version 4.0.4

Add Option open hyperlink in new tab
Fix Some warnings in PHP 8.2
Fix Import excel on front-end
Fix Format value of cells
Fix Update some libraries used

Version 4.0.3

Add Possibility to select a specific sheet in Excel file for import and synchronization

Version 4.0.2

Fix Get url in HYPERLINK when import from Google Sheet
Fix Some warnings in PHP 8.1

Version 4.0.1

Fix The error when import excel file
Fix The firewall error when create db-table
Fix html cell in table in Header repeat mode

Version 4.0.0

Add Wrapping Text in Coloumn
Add New theme design
Fix Format date to cells
Fix Table style on front-end

Version 3.9.5

Add Droptables table block for SP Page Builder
Fix Modal height when open Droptables from editor button in Joomla 4

Version 3.9.4

Add Possibility to define column format for the data
Add Define the sort format option for each column of the table

Version 3.9.3

Fix Datetime format
Fix Export table in back-end
Fix Conflict with SP page builder on front-end

Version 3.9.2

Add Option to download database table on front-end
Fix Error chart display on front-end in some cases

Version 3.9.1

Fix Error when import/sync excel in some cases
Fix Select table in single table menu item
Fix Mising a translation text on front-end

Version 3.9.0

Add Access limitation: Limit the table edition by column, line or dataset by user group.
Add Lock columns in database table edition
Add Support placeholder in the SQL query of database table

Version 3.8.0

Add Possibility to do database custom queries
Add Editing cell content in database tables
Add Hide column on front-end in tables from database
Fix Merge cells on front-end

Version 3.7.1

Fix Show Hyperlink on front-end when pagination
Fix Show border cells on front-end when merge cells
Fix Some sites do not load the php-sql-parser library

Version 3.7.0

Add Improve responsive table: scroll mode + size setup
Add Improve responsive table: columns display + col order setup
Add Improve responsive table: repeated header + size setup
Fix Calculation in cells and calculation value in the chart
Fix Error when enabling pagination mode
Fix Export table when merged cells exist

Version 3.6.5

Fix Install error on Joomla 4

Version 3.6.4

Fix Droptable database update required error in some cases
Fix Translation sharing issue on Joomla 4
Fix Missing some translation string

Version 3.6.3

Fix Default rows height
Fix Sort icon on front-end
Fix Alternate colors on front-end

Version 3.6.2

Fix Column width on front-end
Fix Conflicts with some extensions on Joomla 3.10

Version 3.6.1

Fix JU translation tool
Fix Conflicts with uniform, rokbox, rokgallery extensions on Joomla 3.10

Version 3.6.0

Add New UX design of the table editor
Add New UX design of the table and category manager
Add Improve table auto saving when table not edited
Add New design for table from database creation
Add Joomla 4 compatible
Add Improve loading table performance on front-end

Version 3.5.18

Fix Content above the table disappear in some case

Version 3.5.17

Fix Replace the deprecated function JLanguageMultilang::getSiteLangs()

Version 3.5.16

Fix PHP 7.4 compatibility

Version 3.5.15

Fix Fetch data from Google Spreadsheets not working
Fix Wrong data of chart of database table on front-end

Version 3.5.14

Fix Can't import hyper links from Excel file in some case
Fix Conflict with the extension JSN PageBuilder 3

Version 3.5.13

Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 3.5.12

Fix Tooltip doesn't display in some case
Fix Export excel button doesn't display after installation

Version 3.5.11

Fix Wrong thousands separator issue when importing Excel file
Fix Missing style of some rows when import Excel file
Fix Missing join conditions when update a database table without preview

Version 3.5.10

Fix Duplicate rows on front-end in database table using join condition
Fix Missing some translation string
Fix Code reformat using PHPCS

Version 3.5.9

Fix Fix Jutranslation url

Version 3.5.8

Fix Missing style of excel when importing in some cases
Fix JU Updater

Version 3.5.7

Fix Missing X labels for Bar, Line chart in some cases
Fix Missing hyperlink in html cell
Fix Duplicate underline icons in Format tab

Version 3.5.6

Fix Php warning in single table view on frontend
Fix Missing table name in single table menu item
Fix Parse error on the manage tables view on frontend

Version 3.5.5

Fix Remove row when table has merged cells
Fix Improved fetch/refresh Google Sheets function

Version 3.5.4

Add Spreadsheet style autosaved on fetch URL
Add Get hyperlinks content from Google Spreadsheets
Add Get lines and columns sizes from Google Spreadsheets
Add Cell highlight option per: Line + Column / Line Only / Column Only
Add Possibility to define no font in cell (use inherit font)
Add Scroll on the left column table list (handle large amount of tables)
Add Update chart function
Fix Error page loading in Microsoft Edge
Fix Merge cells properly when auto sync is activated
Fix Change the color picker by cell fonction

Version 3.5.3

Fix Improved computing capabilities
Fix Improved highlight function

Version 3.5.2

Fix Column width is not applied when applying a new theme
Fix Sort by default first column don't work
Fix Hide table database category when it's disabled in settings

Version 3.5.1

Fix Error on chart creation data selection
Fix Table manager front size not properly applied

Version 3.5.0

Add Admin full UX redesign
Add Possibility to seach in a table from admin and highlight cells
Add Auto hide column when screen size is too small (responsive)

Version 3.4.0

Add New calculation functions: DATE, DAY, DAYS, DAYS360, OR, XOR, AND
Add Possibility to make calculation on money cells
Add Addition of date calculation functions

Version 3.3.1

Fix Style when have rows freezed
Fix Position of tooltip when scrolling
Fix Error related to Data display conditions, Data group rules

Version 3.3.0

Add Possibility to activate a pagination for every table
Add Possibility to sort a column by default, on table load

Version 3.2.6

Fix Fetch data from Google sheet
Fix English formatted number in charts (thousand separate by comma)

Version 3.2.5

Fix Null text is returned in empty cell

Version 3.2.4

Fix Table responsive issue
Fix ACL permission

Version 3.2.3

Fix Export all rows in table from database to Excel
Fix Display issue on mobile device
Fix Columns width parameter not applied

Version 3.2.2

Fix Translation button not clickable after language update
Fix CSS for modal based on Joomla 3.7

Version 3.2.1

Fix Pagination number not applied on database tables
Fix Max number of row incremented for large screens (admin side)

Version 3.2.0

Add Create tables from Joomla database (all tables from the database)
Add Automatic styling and filtering for database tables
Add Table automatic update on database incrementation
Add Database source: table, column, filters, define ordering and column custom name
Add Create chart from database table
Add JU translation implementation
Fix Multiple tables tablesorterPager
Fix Frontend style rendering

Version 3.1.3

Fix Color for dataset in chart only apply on 3 chats type
Fix Warning when display table imported from Excel file

Version 3.1.2

Fix Rename table issue
Fix JS error on Excel import (data only)

Version 3.1.1

Fix Language string missing

Version 3.1.0

Add Frontend menu to manage tables
Add User group ACL on tables, table edition action restriction
Add Hover color with a color picker selection for cell highlight

Version 3.0.0

Add Enhanced .xls Import/Export: possibility to Import/Export only data
Add Handle Excel styles on Import/Export: HTML link, font color, font size, cell background color, cell border
Add Spreadsheet data synchronization: Select an excel file on the server, fetch data and define a sync delay
Add Spreadsheet data synchronization: Select a Google Sheets, fetch data and define a sync delay
Add Notification when a file has an external sync to avoid data lost
Fix Vertical scrolling issue on large table
Fix Performance improvement on large table
Fix First time the tooltip is displayed it blinks (JS fix)

Version 2.3.2

Fix Display issue when show/hide admin left panel
Fix Calculation function on cell don't work on front-end

Version 2.3.1

Fix When height is freezed, you can't access to add line button
Fix Image are striped in tooltip

Version 2.3.0

Add Add tooltips on cells
Add Add line and column freezing
Add Add frontend table filtering

Version 2.2.0

Add Performance optimization, improve loading time and for big tables
Add Possibility to move a table from one category to another
Add Possibility to reorder tables in a category
Add CSS editor in a lightbox with codemirror integration
Add Possibility to disable the autosaving and use a save button

Version 2.1.0

Add Add JoomUnited updater
Add Add the possibility to load editor buttons in HTML cells
Add Choose witch editor button to load individually

Version 2.0.4

Fix fix delete multiple level categories

Version 2.0.3

Fix fix categories disappear after Jooml 3.4.7 update

Version 2.0.2

Add Left column retractable panel
Fix DropEditor compatibility
Fix Add manifest declaration for Joomla 3.4 menu admin listing
Fix Switch language comments to # to fit Joomla 3.4 requirement

Version 2.0.1

Add Better column filtering on iphone
Add Update import excel function - only import data area instead of all cells of the sheet

Version 2.0.0

Add Responsive feature with column hidding and priority
Add Chart feature based on chart.js
Add Cell merge
Add Add Excel import export
Add Excel export format choice in global options
Add Code mirror for css edition
Add Add col and row height
Add CSS interface enhancement

Version 1.1.0

Add WYSIWYG editor for HTML table cell format

Version 1.0.1

Add Field to resize lines and columns

Version 1.0.0

Add Initial release