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WP Table Manager Plugin, Transform Ninja Forms Data into Interactive Tables

WP Table Manager Plugin effectively transforms Ninja Forms data into dynamic, interactive tables for WordPress sites. You can choose from various creation options or customize a template, then embed the table with the auto-generated shortcode.
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From Gravity Forms to a WordPress table

Build All Kinds of Data Table

Ninja Forms Views allows you to effortlessly create tables or lists to display your form submissions in a user-friendly format. It also provides search and sort functionalities, along with front-end entry editing. Using Ninja Forms Views, you can efficiently showcase the information collected through your Ninja Forms.

A Simple Customizable HTML Code can Transform Data Value or a Unique and Flexible Table Design

Use simple HTML code to transform table values, making text or numbers clickable by modifying the data value. Use the one click alternate color theme to improve the presentation of your form responses.

Gravity Forms HTML data table for a unique and flexible table design

Enhance User Interaction on the Frontend with Advanced Custom Filtering Options

WP Table Manager integration with Ninja Forms provides a powerful feature called Custom Filters, allowing you to filter table data in multiple ways. This feature is helpful for websites with a lot of data, as it allows users to quickly filter through the content based on their criteria. It leads to a more efficient and satisfying interaction with your site's data.

Filtering options include: data ordering, text input filter, table column display, table search.

Advanced filtering options for enhanced user interaction on the frontend

Export-Import Table Data Fast to Google Sheets or Excel

Exporting data from Ninja Forms is quite easy, whether you're exporting it to Google Sheets or Excel. This allows you to analyze, share, or manipulate your data in a versatile and familiar spreadsheet format. By exporting tables to Google Sheets, you can leverage their powerful data management and analysis tools, enhancing your ability to work with the collected data effectively.

Export Gravity Forms table data to Google Sheets or Excel
Editable tables with customizable permissions for different users

Define User Role Permission for Table Users

Empower collaborative teamwork with customizable table permissions, tailoring access for various users. This feature ensures controlled and secure data management, enabling specific editing and viewing privileges. Additionally, integrate with WordPress user roles for frontend table editing capabilities.

Create Responsive Charts & Graphs with Dynamic Data

Ninja Forms deep integration with Charts allows you to effortlessly generate and showcase dynamic charts and graphs on your website in just minutes! This live synchronization ensures your charts always reflect the most recent data changes. This feature is particularly useful for tracking and showcasing trends, user responses, or any form data interactively, offering immediate insights without the need for manual refreshes or re-entering data.

Real-time updating charts to represent Gravity Forms data dynamically

WP Table Manager Prices

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