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Speed Cache: Installation

1. Install

Our component is compatible with Joomla 3.9 and 4.x. All the features and 3rd party integrations are included in all memberships.
In order to install our component, you have to download the extension .zip file and use standard Joomla installer.




Then click on Browse > Upload and Install button, component, modules and plugins will be installed activated by default.


2. Update & automatic updater

In order to update the extension, you can install a new version over the old one by downloading the ZIP file from JoomUnited or using the automatic updater (recommended).




The automatic updater, which pushes the update notification, is embedded in the Joomla extension you've installed. So you'll get notified like any other extension in the dashboard or using the menu: System > Update > Extensions.


Login to your account to update

You need to log in to your JoomUnited account to update all your JoomUnited Joomla extensions. In order to log in, access the main configuration of the component then navigate to the Live updates tab. On the main panel, you'll find a login button. 




Enter your JoomUnited credentials, the same you use to login here @




The text on the button will be changed, congrats! You can now update all the JoomUnited extensions on this website! If your membership is expired you'll get a renew link and a text explaining that.




Note: one single login will allow you to update all the JoomUnited extensions (regarding your membership). Login won't expire unless you disconnect it.


Speed Cache: Performance Dashboard

After installing the component a dashboard will be accessible through the menu Components > Speed Cache.




The dashboard checks all the performance issues and enhancements you can apply on your Joomla website. All the parameters, except for Browser cache, can be fixed in one click using the buttons Fix it now.

Parameters checked:

  • Check for Joomla cache activation and duration: check if the joomla cache is activated and time is at least set to 30'
  • Check for Joomla Gzip compression
  • Minification: check you have minified files loaded on your site or not.
  • File group: check you have any file types have been grouped.
  • CDN: check if you configure any CDN server
  • Expire Headers presence and duration in the htaccess file
  • Speed cache URL Autoindex activation: check if the URL automatic indexation in activated in Speed Cache configuration
  • PHP version: check if PHP7+ is in use
  • Browser cache activation: check if the Speed Cache browser cache is activated
  • Auto Clear cache activation: check if the automatic cache cleaner is enbled
  • Expires module: check if the module mod_expires on your server is activated


Note: on some servers like NGINX or with inbuilt CDN, the Expire Headers check may not succeed. It's not a problem for performance as it's already handled


Speed Cache: Manage Cached Pages

1. Add URLs to the cache system

To apply Speed Cache static cache and browser cache you need to add your website pages (URL) to the Speed Cache list. From the dashboard click on Manage cached URLs.




From here you'll see the URL list that are already in the cache system.




To add some URL to the cache, you've got 3 solutions:

  • Use the button Import URL from menu
  • Click on the Add new button add paste a custom URL
  • Use some rules to include a set of URLs


 The button Import URL from menu will open a lightbox, from which you can import one or several Joomla menu.




From the settings, you can also enable an option to add new menu elements automatically to the cached URLs list. In the case the default configuration values applies.




To add a custom URL to the cache, use the Add new button.




Finally just hit the button state to "publish" (add to cache) the URL (page). Adding a page to the cache will activate static cache and browser cache to the page.

Note: on the controls bar, you can use the bulk dropdown list to change the elements states in one click

The inclusion rules will help you to add a set of URLs to your cache system. For example, if you want to put in Speed Cache system all your news section where URL is starting by /news you can add the following rule: 




The URL inclusion rules offers the possibility to use stars in your URLs, so you can put in cache thousands of URLs with a single request. Here's some useful example of usage

  • Add a rule to include all URL based on a prefix (including this prefixed URL):*
  • Add a rule to include all URL based on a prefix (excluding this prefixed URL):*
  • Include a part of an URL from cache:*/themes

2. Exclude URLs from cache

The URL exclusion from cache is working in the same way, you can exclude URLs one by one or using rules. To exclude an URL open the tab Cache URL exclusion then click on New button.




The URL exclusion rules offers the possibility to use stars in your URLs, so you can exclude from cache thousands of URLs with a single request. Here's some useful example of usage

  • Add a rule to exclude all URL based on a prefix (including this prefixed URL):*
  • Add a rule to exclude all URL based on a prefix (excluding this prefixed URL):*
  • Exclude a part of an URL from cache:*/themes

3. Cache by page and user status

As you have noticed, in the URL list you can activate the cache for guest users and/or for logged in users. Indeed, Speed cache is able to handle the cache even for logged in users and therefore for all dynamic contents.

This is something that you can't handle with the Joomla - Page cache plugin.  

To activate the cache for logged in users you need to activate a cache file per Joomla users from the configuration.




The fact that you can activate cache for logged in users per page is very flexible and we recommend to run some test on frontend with users accounts on all dynamics content.

4. Clean all Joomla caches

Once a page is added to the cache, Joomla will create some cache files, Speed Cache generates static cache (HTML file), and file will be stored in user browser (browser cache).

The Speed Cache cache cleaning can remove all those files and cache in one click, you don't need to clean the Joomla cache separately.




In the setting you can also activate a parameter to clean automatically all those cache on actions. Indeed, on backend/frontend actions like save a content, all cache can be cleaned.

Plus you got a button available all over the Joomla administration to clean all cache in a click.




Speed Cache: Resources Minification

Minification refers to the process of removing unnecessary or redundant data without affecting how the resource is processed by the browser - e.g. code comments and formatting, removing unused code, using shorter variable and function names, and so on.

From the dashboard click on Group and minify, enable the parameters or add URL in the text area fields.




You can group all your JS, CSS and fonts files in a single click. The group file features include:

  • HTML minification: Minification refers to the process of removing unnecessary or redundant data without affecting how the resource is processed by the browser - e.g. code comments and formatting, removing unused code, using shorter variable and function names, and so on.
  • CSS minification
  • JS minification
  • Group CSS: Grouping several CSS files into a single file will minimize the HTTP requests number. Use with caution and test your website, it may generate conflicts.
  • Group JS: Grouping several Javascript files into a single file will minimize the HTTP requests number. Group all scripts present in body and the ones from your head. This is the better option for ultimate performance research but beware and test your website, it may generate conflicts.
  • Group fonts and Google fonts: Group local fonts and Google fonts in a single file to be served faster.
  • Defer CSS: Call CSS files at the end of the page load to eliminate render blocking elements.
  • Defer JS: Call JS files at the end of the page load to eliminate render blocking elements.
  • Exclude inline style: Exclude inline style from minification.
  • File exclusion: Put each path to file in one line to exclude files from minification and grouping.
  • Page exclusion: Put each page URL in one line to exclude a page from all optimization that is listed above.



Speed Cache: CDN Integration

The use of CDN (Content Delivery Network) has been proven to be efficient especially if you have an international audience. It helps serving website media from a local source all over the world. A CDN integration is available with all the major CDN on the market like Cloudflare, Amazon Cloudfront, MaxCDN, KeyCDN and others.

To access, just click on CDN from the dashboard. Then you can add your information there.




These CDN cache and Cloudflare cache contain these options:

CDN cache

  • Active CDN: Enable to make CDN effective on your website
  • CDN URL: Add your CDN URL, without the trailing slash (at the end)
  • CDN Content: Your Joomla content served through CDN resources, separated by a comma. Leave this field empty to include all resources


  • Relative path: Enabled by default, Enable/Disable the CDN for relative paths resources. Used for some compatibilities with specific Joomla plugins
  • Include files: File type to load using the CDN

Cloudflare cache

  • Clear Cloudflare cache: When cleaning the SpeedCache and Joomla cache via SpeedCache, also clean all the Cloudflare cache too
  • Username: Email address registered to your Cloudflare account
  • API key: Global Cloudflare API Key, you can generate one from your profile
  • Domains: This is the domain associated to your Cloudflare account, usually this is this website domain (example:
  • Custom purge URLs: Any assets in the Cloudflare cache that match the URL(s) exactly will be purged from the cache. Separate URL(s) one per line, can be a page URL or a file URL


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